- Post published:December 20, 2022
Temptation arises and the conscience warns of impending danger – Rationalization: “Because I already hate sin as a general rule, I can be near temptation without desiring it or becoming vulnerable” Temptation intensifies – Rationalization: “I’ve been doing well spiritually, what possible damage could result from merely ‘noticing’ trouble?” Sinful desires begin to consume the thought life – Rationalization: “My life is very difficult, so how am I supposed to be strong all the time? Can I be expected to hold off every powerful enticement when I’m under such pressure?” The conscience screams reminders about truth, family, friends, and consequences – Rationalization: “Since I’m alone, none of those I love will be affected; and besides, this is a small sin compared to what I’ve seen others do.” Sin prevails with the attendant guilt – Rationalization: “I’m not as bad as others; I know God will forgive me; I’ll just leave this between me and Him; I don’t need anyone’s help because they’ll just be judgmental.” Sin continues as a pattern, truth becomes dull, and sensations of guilt fade – Rationalization: “People can be so legalistic; they think they’re the only ones that do anything right; God is much more loving and He wants me to be happy.”
Jerry Wragg