- Post published:December 20, 2022
Ten steps to becoming a 'Pragmatic Church'
1. 'Easy-believism' gospel.
2. Place emphasis on some 'work' for salvation and not the need to recognize and approach a holy God.
3. Teach half-truths.
4. Teach that grace replaces (instead of produces) holiness.
5. Teach that love and truth are opposed and obedience is legalism or optional.
6. Use fleshly things to attract unbelievers for evangelism and teach them that carnal, worldly lifestyles are acceptable.
7. Avoid the Biblical teachings that create humility in man and exalt God.
8. Teach the means of grace are optional.
9. Be 'seeker-friendly' and avoid being 'offensive.'
10. Place being 'relatable' above 'biblical accuracy.'
John MacArthur